Joomla! 1.5

Just when you thought it was time for a Joomla! release increment, we've decided to take FIVE in one go!

During the past few months, we've been discussing the versioning of the forthcoming Joomla! release.  We have decided to call the upcoming beta release "Joomla! 1.5 Beta", not Joomla! 1.1 Beta.

The sheer volume of changes in the Joomla! core (Joomla! framework) made a minor point (.1) increment inconsistent with the amount of work undertaken.  While it may not be obvious by simply looking at release dates, today's Joomla! core has multiple technology shifts under the engine.

LinuxWorld Canada

LinuxWorld & NetworkWorld Canada Conference & Expo April 24-26, 2006

"Where the IT Industry Meets!" LWNW 2006 is the number one marketplace for management and IT professionals to interact, learn about the newest applications and solutions, and see demonstrations of leading information technology based products and services in a mixed environment.

If you're a Joomla! fan make sure you're there for the conference April 24-26, and the trade show April 25-26, at Metro Toronto Convention Centre, North Bldg, Toronto.

April will be a busy month for Joomla!. We will be attending the LinuxWorld Expo in both Boston and Toronto.  Our Dutch community has also informed us about their first Joomla! Day. We hope many other communities will follow their lead.

Boston Linuxworld Expo, April 3-6, 2006

Linuxworld Expo

The Joomla! project will be presented at the LinuxWorld 2006 at the Boston Convention Center from April 3-6. We have a booth in the .Org Pavilion and many folks from the American community will be there joining Mitch Pirtle, Andy Miller and Louis Landry from the core team.  This expo will be the first time Joomla! has exhibited in the United States.  Joomla! has become a globally recognized brand and highly-acclaimed by the open-source community generally in a very short time.

We announced the birth of baby Joomla! just over six months ago. During that time baby "J!" has matured into a highly-acclaimed, award-winning CMS of choice. Not a bad effort for something so new. Most of us know Joomla's heritage and the massive contributions made by developers and community members to further our aims and ensure its future.

For some time now we've been unable to accept donations to the Joomla! project — much to the frustration of many members of the community.

Joomla Extension PortalIt's party time, folks!  Today we proudly announce the launch of our Joomla! Extensions site.  With Joomla! arguably the world's most popular open-source CMS and subsequently the largest active 3PD community, we're introducing the Extensions Directory to make things more fun. Yes, we have listened to the community about how it can be difficult to find things on the Forge.  That message came through loud and clear and a working group has been furiously working behind the scenes to make things user-friendly.

What's this mean? Trying to find a particular component, module or bot (soon to be known as plugin when Joomla! 1.1 is released) on Extensions is a breeze.  You can search by category, most popular, editor's picks, just as you can on high-end commercial software directories.  Once you've found what you want to use, there's a "more information" and "download" links to the Forge where the developer's project sits.  You will also be able to rate your choices, based on your experiences.


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