Joomla 4.0.6 and 3.10.5 are now available. These are bug-fix releases for the 4.0.x and 3.10.x series of Joomla which contain many bug fixes and improvements.
What's in 4.0.6?
Joomla 4.0.6 addresses several bugs, including:
Bug fixes and Improvements
- Many more PHP 8.1 fixes
- Major improvements to the API documentation by moving components to their namespaced versions
- Bootstrap upgraded to 5.1.3
- When uninstalling a component any custom dashboards panels are now also removed.
Visit GitHub for the full list of bug fixes
We also made an important change to the updater files which may affect some. Please see this article on the changes to update process for details.
What's in 3.10.5?
Joomla 3.10.5 addresses several bugs, including:
Bug fixes and Improvements
- Privacy requests and confirmation can now be made by logged-in users only (#35470)
- Improve the message for the backups to specifically include the “filesystem” and the “database” (#36494)
- Fix an regression with the Progressive caching to cache modules per custom menu assignment (#36324)
- Update simplepie to 1.3.3 (#36358)
Visit GitHub for the full list of bug fixes
New Installations
New installation instructions and technical requirements
Upgrade Packages
Note: Please read the update instructions before updating.
New Installations
New installation instructions and technical requirements
Upgrade Packages
Note: Please read the update instructions before updating.
Remember… Please clear your browser's cache after updating.
Found a bug? Report it on the Joomla Issue Tracker.
Questions? See the documentation wiki for FAQ’s regarding the 4.0.6 release and FAQ’s regarding the 3.10.5 release.
Find out more, visit the Joomla 4 landing page https://www.joomla.org/4/
A Huge Thank You to Our Volunteers!
A big thank you goes out to everyone that contributed to the 4.0.6 and 3.10.5 releases!
Make the next Joomla release even better
Download the upcoming releases from the Joomla 4 nightly build page and Joomla 3.10 nightly build page (for testing purposes only - do not use on production sites).
Want an even easier option? Get yourself over to launch.joomla.org - where you can also test Joomla 4.0 with just one click - no testing environment needed, nothing to install or set up (at all).